Key | Zendesk Ticket IDs | Service Request | Affected Region |
SR-15793 | 506313 | Teltonika mobile devices can now be made available in the library without resulting in an error. |
SR-15782 |
506685 509249 |
When selecting any one or many cameras per event, the recording type for the event will automatically change to detailed (if it is not so already). If all cameras are unselected, the recording type will remain detailed. |
SR-15550 | 496997 | MyMiX mobile app: negative values can be defined on both Question with numeric response and Question with numeric response (with decimals). |
SR-15776 | 505634 | Added Rokbak as Asset make. |
Australasia (AsiaPac)
SR-15702 | 480246 | The Driver List report excluded negative DriverIDs for the following fields:
Australasia (AsiaPac)
SR-15500 | 495982 | Improvements were made to over speeding events within a location. The event email notification will now display the following:
Australasia (AsiaPac)
SR-15847 | 509249 | Teltonika mobile devices can now be made available in the library without resulting in an error. |
SR-15712 |
504030 505588 |
The driver impersonation admin functionality will now work correctly. |
SR-15866 | 510198 | An intermittent issue which resulted in incorrect data being displayed in the video play list was resolved. |
SR-15794 | 506801 | Added Chengliwei as Asset make. |
SR-15416 | 491546 | Corrected an issue where the authorization token expired after 60 minutes. The token will now automatically refresh while the app is in the background. |
SR-15154 |
477192 488209 |
Fleet utilization dashboard: when drilling down to view more information, the label displaying the number of assets at site-level will now match the number of assets displayed on the last level of drill-down. |
SR-15624 | 499747 | A discrepancy between the Log Viewer and Driver log report was caused when the driver's log state was edited. This resulted in a similar time stamp for the "on duty" and edited "off duty", which caused confusion with the graph API. A condition was added to handle this kind of situation correctly. |
North America
SR-15841 | 508644 | When looking at the Driver performance chart for a week period and drilling down to the driver level, the request has been amended to return the full range requested instead of a result broken down in days where only one of the days was displayed. |
United Kingdom
SR-15370 | 490656 | A discrepancy in the active state between the Electric Fleet module and the Live tracking module has now been corrected. If an asset shows to be moving/stationary on Live tracking, the same will be displayed in the Electric Fleet module. |
United Kingdom