The Rovi IV 23.8 release is a global release containing an important enhancement of the active driver functionality.
This release also contains a few service requests and bug fixes.
Active driver enhancement
Whenever drivers set themselves as the active driver on the MiX Rovi IV, they will now remain the active driver even when going off duty to prevent the logging of unidentified driving.
This means that all driving that is recorded will be captured for that driver regardless of the driver's work state.
If there is a co-driver logged in as well, the driving will however not automatically be recorded for the co-driver when the current active driver logs out. Co-drivers will have to set themselves as the active drivers first to have driving recorded on their profiles.
What this means
A logged-in driver identified as the active driver will remain the active driver even when they are off-duty or in a sleeper berth.
- If the driver's status is off-duty or sleeper berth and driving is detected, the work state will be changed to On Duty (driving).