MiX Fleet Manager
- The electric fleet fields have been included in the asset bulk import template. This means that users can now capture the three EV fields, maximum range (distance unit), Battery capacity (kWh), and Usable battery capacity (kWh) in the template and import them into MiX Fleet Manager asset details.
MiX Insight Dashboard
A new fleet utilization dashboard chart has been added which provides insights on distance and other trip metrics.
Click here to read how to View distance and other trip metrics
MiX Fleet Manager mobile
- The new heavy vehicle asset icons are now supported in the app.
MyMiX mobile
- French language support has been updated and now consists of more comprehensive translations.
New or updated articles in MiX Help Centre
CAN Script changes in Release 23.11
View distance and other trip metrics
Make changes to assets in bulk using the importing function
Searching for content in the MiX Help Centre
Does the Video gallery auto-refresh when new videos are available in the organization?
Why are videos that are out of the date range still displayed in the video gallery