Please note this important internal notification for MiX regional staff.
The new Electric Fleet Operations module to be released with 23.7 requires all electric vehicles to use the correct versions of EV scripts.
Production field trial
The 23.7 release is a FIELD TRIAL version that allows production field trials on electric fleets prior to launching the new solution to our customers. In this field trial period, MiX regional staff can verify customers’ electric vehicle data before granting the customers permission to view the new module. A test plan with a few important tests you can perform is provided here.
Pre-verification will ensure smooth roll-out and implementation for our electric fleet customers.
EV scripts
In February 2023, all EV scripts were reworked to include new EV-specific parameters, and all new EV scripts automatically include these new parameters. It is VERY IMPORTANT to verify that customers’ electric vehicles are using the latest script version (post-February 2023) or the Operations module will show NO information.
For reference, all scripts should include these parameters:
- System.FM.CAN.EBIEN EV CAN: Battery current charge power
- System.FM.CAN.EVRNG EV CAN: Vehicle range remaining
- System.FM.CAN.EVSOH EV CAN: State of health
Please contact your relevant support department if you need help on how to verify the correct script is loaded on your customer’s electric vehicles or if a new script is required.