Permission: You will need the "Electric Fleet - Operations" and the Live Tracking permission to access this feature.
- Click Monitor.
- Under Electric Vehicles, click Operations.
- The map panel will display all your electric vehicles on a map at their current location. Hover over any of the icons to view detailed information, like the asset description, exact location, SoC battery level, estimated available range, driver name, etc. The battery status is updated every 5 minutes for each asset.
- The color of the ring around the asset icon is an indication of the assets' movement status. A green circle means that your asset is moving, a circle grey means the asset is stationary, and an orange circle means that the last received data is old. This happens when your vehicle has not sent a position for some time, e.g. it went underground (e.g. into a basement parking, etc.), and will update as soon as a new position has been received by the system.
- You can choose different map views from the HERE maps dropdown list, e.g. hybrid, street, etc.
- Zoom in and out by using the + and - icons at the top, or expand the map to full screen size.
- If you click any of the filters on the analytics panel or use a filter on the Assets in trip or Assets out of trip panels, the map will also filter accordingly and only display those assets on the map. Click a filter again to clear it and show all your assets on the map.
- Click on an asset description to zoom to that asset's position on the map.
Show locations on the map
- Click the location icon at the top to display the previously saved custom locations on the map. Search or filter the list by typing in the bar at the top. Select locations by checking the box next to the location name and click Done.
Show labels on the map
- Click the map labels to choose which labels you want to show on the map, e.g. asset labels, location labels, etc. Click the + next to asset labels, to view specific asset-related labels that can be displayed on the map.
- The battery level label is selected by default. Note that only two labels can be selected at a time so you have to unselect a label to select a second one.
Note: an "empty" battery icon displayed in the same color as the text with a dash next to it means that the system has not received a battery reading. This is different from a zero reading where the system knows that the battery is in fact at 0% where it will be indicated and displayed in red.