Journey Management
- The "UpdateJourneyAssetDrivers" MiX Integrate endpoint has been updated and allows users to change the drivers associated with a journey in an Approved, In progress, Completed, or Cancelled status. Please note that only the driver can be changed and not the assets. It is not possible to choose a driver that has already been assigned to a journey.
MiX Vision AI
- The Idle and Idle - excessive events are supported for MiX Vision AI standalone assets. These events can only be triggered when the unit is configured in standalone mode and not reporting through a MiX onboard computer. The events have been added to the default Streamax standalone event template. Event conditions can be customized in MiX Fleet Manager (RPM, Record delay) for both of these events. For the Idle - excessive event you can use the record delay to define the period that the idle needs to be active before the event is triggered. The default is 5 minutes.
Read Set up idle or excessive idle events for MiX Vision AI standalone solution for more information.
- The odometer total values are now supported on the MiX Vision AI standalone assets. This is based on the accumulation of the estimated trip distances. It can be set on the Mobile device settings of the asset and the current odometer value can be viewed in the asset table and in the detailed trip summary. Read more here.
- Custom camera names that are set on the MiX Vision camera peripheral are now used in MiX Fleet Manager when requesting high-resolution and custom video clips, for notifications, and on the video player.
To learn how to add custom camera names read Change channel name on MiX Vision
- The filename of MiX Vision AI videos that were saved in the Timeline, will now show the local site time zone instead of UTC.