The “Customers” module is moving from the Task Management menu item to Fleet Admin.
No Action is required, this is a notice of the change.
Task Management - Customers
- The Customers module will now be available under Fleet Admin and no longer under the Task Management heading.
- Customer details will remain unchanged.
- Locations information, previously found in the Customer details, has been renamed to “Delivery details”.
- Where customers had locations associated to their profiles, there will now be a delivery point on the Delivery details tab for each location. The delivery point description will be the same as the previous location name.
- Attachments are no longer available.
Tracking – Manage Locations
- A customer record will automatically be created in the Customer module for all previous locations with a “Customer” location type configured with an external reference.
- If there is 1 external reference then an equivalent customer will be available in the Customers module.
- If there is more than 1 external reference then a separate customer is created for each external reference.
- A single delivery point is created per customer and linked to the original location. The delivery point description will be the same as the location name.
- The original location keeps the external reference field and contents.