Recorded events are stored and visible in the system long-term. Recorded events can be monitored in Historical tracking, Trip timeline, and event-related Insight reports.
To record events, open the specific event in the Event library:
- Click Manage.
- Under Config admin, click Libraries / Templates.
You can make the change on the library level and cascade it to various Event templates or you can make the change for a specific device or site on the event template.
- Click the event name to view all the settings.
- Scroll down to the Record section.
- Check the Record event box to enable the recording of the event.
- The recording delay is the amount of time the event must be true before the unit will record the occurrence of the event, e.g. set the delay for 10 seconds before starting to record an over speeding event.
- Choose the recording type:
1. Detailed – records the start and end of each occurrence of the event.
2. Summarised - records the total duration that the condition was true (start time and end time define the period being summarised) as well as the trigger value and event count.
3. Notification - records each time the condition becomes true. This will not record the duration
the condition was true. - Record actions are available for detailed and notification events. Check the box to enable:
1. Start odometer – Record the odometer reading on the unit when the event condition becomes
2. End odometer – Record the odometer reading on the unit when the event condition becomes
Recording the odometer is useful when using the Detailed Event Report. It allows users to view
the distance between the event start and event end. Users can also calculate the distance
between various events based on the odo reading.
3. Start position – Record the start position of the event.
4. End position – Record the end position of the event.
It is important to select the start position or end position in order to plot the event on the map in
Tracking and on the map in the Detailed Event Report.
5. Record video – Record a video when the event is triggered.
This is only applicable if the asset has a MiX Vision peripheral connected. The recording duration
and other settings are defined in the Peripheral Library.
6. Record pulse count – Record pulse counts when the event is triggered.
Users that have a connected fuel measuring device are able to monitor how much fuel was used
when the event triggered.
Record actions – Available options for Notification Events
1. Start odometer – Record the odometer reading on the unit when the event condition becomes
2. Start position – Record the start position of the event.
3. Record video – Record a video when the event is triggered.
This is only applicable if the asset has a MiX Vision peripheral connected. The recording duration
and other settings are defined in the Peripheral Library