All MiX 4000 devices running firmware version 4.10 will unlock the auto-commissioning feature when connected to CAN.
After firmware V4.10 has been loaded to a MiX device onboard computer (OBC), the CAN scan mode will be triggered on the OBC when the asset is switched on for the first time. This will scan the CAN bus and read certain parameters from the CAN bus and send this information to MiX Fleet Manager.
If an asset has been created in MiX Fleet Manager with the same VIN number that was read from the CAN bus, the device IMEI will be assigned to the asset automatically, hence linking the asset and MiX mobile device automatically. Alternatively, if the system finds an asset with the same IMEI as an installed device, the VIN source will automatically be set and the VIN populated for the asset.
This will then assign a default script also automatically execute a config compile and upload.
See the diagram below for a depiction of the process:
- The OBC is powered up for the first time.
- The OBC scans the CAN bus for the VIN.
- It reads certain information like the VIN and IMEI.
- It validates this information in the backend.
- It sends the VIN and IMEI back to MiX Fleet Manager.
- It looks for the asset with the associated VIN number in MiX Fleet Manager and automatically links the MiX device (OBC) with the asset by assigning the IMEI. OR, it finds an asset that exists with an IMEI that matches the OBC, then automatically set the VIN source and populates the VIN for an asset.
- If the device is unable to get the VIN from the CAN bus, the IMEI will not be associated with the asset. If the wrong VIN is set on the asset, the IMEI will also not be associated with the asset.
- After the IMEI is associated with the asset the config will automatically be compiled and uploaded to the OBC.
- The configuration status will be set to Configuration accepted.
- If the Dynamic CAN peripheral is not connected, the configuration will not be compiled and uploaded, the configuration status will be set to Configuration changed.