Zendesk Ticket IDs | Key | Affected Region | Component/s | Service Request |
299197, 299786, 303236, 306218, 306741 |
SR-11962 | Africa, Europe | MiX Fleet Manager | MiX 4000 Sub trip distances are calculated and displayed correctly, for trips with multiple sub trips. (Historical tracking, Trip timeline and Trip reports) |
305524 | SR-11959 | Europe | MiX Fleet Manager | The Driving Time / Trip Duration will now appear correctly in the summary section of the Trip Timeline |
263421 | SR-11856 | Europe | Event notification | Email notifications will now display the correct event values, for all events including Speeding events. |
SR-11656 | The SMS billing files will now show the correct period. |
275777, 278346, 278617, 279476 |
SR-11547 | Australasia (AsiaPac) | Insight Reports | Further improvements to eliminate Unknown Locations from reports |
263947 | SR-11116 | Australasia (AsiaPac) | Events, MiX Fleet Manager | Amendments made to improve delays in the recording of Passive Events, preventing these Passive Events from appearing to be missing |