Zendesk Ticket IDs | JIRA Key | Affected Region | Component/s | Service Requests |
299695 | SR-11932 | United Kingdom | MyMiX | The MyMiX login page now loads successfully when using Arabic as the default language on Apple iOS. |
310861 | SR-12038 | Africa | MiX Fleet Manager | An error was corrected which occurred on an organization subgroup (between and organization and site), when updating an asset using the import function. |
291523 | SR-11888 | Middle East | MiX Fleet Manager | The incorrect sub-trips caused by recalculating scores have been resolved. |
321222, 323938 |
SR-12188 | Europe | Location Analyser, MiX Fleet Manager | A Location Analyser error was resolved by correcting a permission issue in the API. |
316218 | SR-12124 | United Kingdom | Journey Management | The "View Journey" permissions were inadequate and were causing errors if a user had limited permissions to Journey Management. |
321619 | SR-12156 | Africa | Insight Reports | The 7 Day Dashboard report will now list the events correctly. |
321842 | SR-12167 | Europe, United Kingdom | Customer Insights, MiX Fleet Manager | An error when rendering the page for setting Organisation Goals was resolved by correcting a permission issue in the API for Customer Insights. |
305180 | SR-11956 | Europe | Customer Insights | Enhancements have been made to the Driver Performance dashboards for Customer Insights. |
278695 | SR-12097 | Africa | Config compile | The "bulk compile" functionality was not working for the "Not Commissioned" status. A fix was implemented for the compile configuration group feature. |
259790 | SR-12045 | Australasia (AsiaPac) | Config Admin | The history kept in the system for mobile unit states changes were increased to ensure serial numbers will be updated consistently. |