The driver's unique extended ID can be a hexadecimal number (allowed digits are 0-9 and A-F) of up to 32 characters used to identify the driver to certain third parties.
You have to enable the extended driver ID feature to make use of smartcard readers or the Dallas tag driver identification.
The unit will either send an active event to do a look-up for an unmatched driver id, or a passive event that a new driver has been identified. The main difference between the active and passive event logic is that the active event will send a command to the unit once the driver is identified which includes the legacy/short driver id.
Active Event
The raw extended driver ID is received from the unit. Leading zeroes are trimmed add back an extra 0 if 1 character less than the minimum of 8).
The driver is matched from the extended ID.
If a driver does not have to be automatically created, the extended ID is matched (if it exists).
For automatically created drivers:
- The hex extended driver id is padded up to 32 chars (16 bytes) and matched.
- If no driver is found, the extended ID received from the unit is converted to ASCII and used to create the new driver.
If drivers are not automatically created, the default driver ID of 1 will be used.
The extended ID is split into 3 parts. (param 3 includes the legacy ID)
Send the command to the unit to use the legacy ID from that point onward.
Passive Event
The raw extended driver ID is received from the unit. Leading zeroes are trimmed add back an extra 0 if 1 character less than the minimum of 8).
The driver is matched from the extended ID.
Matched data is handed over to the notification queue.