- Click Measure.
- Under Insights, click Reports.
- Choose Hours of Service reports under report category.
The Available Hours Report can be used to determine which drivers have available hours to perform both driving and non-driving tasks. Each driver's available hours are calculated from his assigned Rule Set and the HOS data available up to the current time. If any calculation results in negative hours, the field shows 0:00. All Cycle-related calculations use the driver's assigned Start of Day hour. For 7 or 8 day drivers, if today is the last day of the driver's current cycle, the Next Cycle Avail On Duty calculation drops day 1 of the cycle that ends today and treats tomorrow as the last day of the cycle.
- HOS Administrators
- Driver
- Driver ID
- HOS Driver ID
- Current Status - e.g. not driving, on duty not driving, off duty, etc.
- Start Date/Time - date and time
- Current Status Duration - displays the duration of the last event status since the last event calculation in hh:mm.
- Last Calculation - displays the duration since the last time there was an event status change in date and time. This, along with the current status duration would an accurate description of how long a driver has remained in a particular status.
- Shift Available On Duty - hh:mm
- Shift Available Driving - hh:mm
- Cycle Available On Duty - hh:mm
- Next Shift Start Date/Time - date and time
- Next Cycle Available On Duty - hh:mm
- Time zones