If you are using the same emergency contacts for various assets you can duplicate the selection easily. Follow the steps below:
- Click Monitor.
- Under Fleet Admin, click Assets.
- Select the specific asset by clicking the link in the asset description column.
- Click on the Recovery tab on the left.
- In the section where you can select a contact, click the Select recipient button. Select the required recipient by clicking the radio button next to the relevant name. (If the required recipient is not in the list, then add the recipient by clicking on click here to add). You can add a maximum of three emergency contacts per asset.
- Click on the Select other assets to cascade these emergency contacts to link.
- You will see the tiered asset selection tree showing all the groups for the current organisation and the assets within the groups. View these by clicking the + to expand.
- Choose the specific assets by checking the boxes next to the relevant asset name - entire groups and sites can also be selected to aid multi selection of assets.
- Click on Save.