The access control function provides the ability to select which drivers will be able to access a specific asset. The default access option is that drivers cannot operate any assets added to the database. This default can be changed in the Organization settings.
Note that the settings displayed on this page will change depending on what device type is installed in the asset.
To specify which drivers may access the asset, follow the steps detailed below:
- Click Monitor.
- Under the Fleet Admin heading, click on Assets.
- Select the specific asset by clicking the link in the asset description column.
- Click the Access control tab on the left.
If the device supports access control (i.e. which drivers may operate the asset), you will see the organizational hierarchy tree with the relevant drivers and you can select the drivers. Of these drivers, you are able to select a default driver (from the selected drivers). This will ensure that when a driver identifies with a driver ID, the identified driver will be associated with the trip. If no driver identifies himself, the system will associate the default driver to the trip.
If the device does not support access control e.g. VT units or Teltonika devices, the tree containing the drivers will not be displayed on this page and you will be able to select any default driver. This driver will be assigned to all trips driven by this vehicle.
Drivers Allowed
Indicates how many of the organization's drivers may operate the asset.
Total Drivers
Indicates how many drivers are in the organization.
- Check the box if you want all the newly created drivers in the organization to automatically be able to have access to the specific asset. This will write a blacklist to the unit.
- Click on the plus to expand the view of the list of drivers in the organization to only select certain drivers.
- Check the box next to the relevant driver name to enable or disable driver access to the asset.
- A check in the box indicates that all the drivers in that specific group or site are able to access the asset.
- An empty square indicates that none of the drivers in that specific group or site are able to access the asset.
- A partially checked box within the selection box indicates that only certain selected drivers in that specific group or site are able to access the asset.
Understanding whitelisting and blacklisting
When you check the box "All new drivers (in this organisation) may operate this asset" a blacklist is created and written to the the unit. Any drivers on the blacklist will not be able to operate the asset. This is information is stored in the extended config.
If the box is not checked, a whitelist is written to the unit, and only drivers in the white list may start the asset. You will then need to specify which drivers are allowed to operate the asset, as shown above.
In summary:
- If you specify drivers that may operate an asset, this process is called whitelisting, and these drivers are added to a whitelist.
- The blacklist contains specified drivers who may not access the asset.
If you receive an exception error indicating that the memory is full, or a warning that the maximum driver limit has been reached, you need to update the access control list to reduce the number of drivers in either the blacklist or whitelist.
If the driver/vehicle access table is stored on the onboard computer (automatically for all MiX devices, except the FM) and the extended config stores the list of drivers or assets, the space used will depend on the number of drivers/assets specified. The extended config saves various components, such as access control lists, CAN scripts, etc. When the driver access control list becomes too large, it may cause the extended configuration to run out of space, leading to a failure in compiling the config. This may result in some of the other components ceasing to function when the limit has been reached.
Additionally, when extended driver IDs are used, the length of the driver ID will influence the storage space on the unit.
Understanding Extended driver ID and the match list
If a driver uses the extended driver ID (such as with DTCO or Drivemate), then in addition to the blacklists and whitelists, there will also be an existing simultaneous Extended Driver ID match list. This list always functions as a whitelist, allowing automatic access to these drivers.
Note that because the driver access control for blue plugs operates simultaneously with the Extended Driver ID match list, the same driver limits detailed above apply regardless of whether you use an extended driver ID or not. Therefore, if the organization contains a significant number of drivers with both extended and non-extended driver IDs, particular care should be taken when selecting the option "All new drivers (in this organization) may operate this asset." You should ensure that the number of remaining blacklisted drivers does not exceed the limits.
Setting a driver as the default driver for that asset
- Check the "Asset has a default driver" checkbox.
- Select the default driver in the dropdown list.
If an asset is ELD-enabled on the HOS logical device, you will not be able to select a default driver for the asset. If you have selected a default driver and you enable the "Electronic Logging Device (United States)" option under the HOS logical device on the unit, the default driver will be cleared. This is to ensure that a driver identifies themselves correctly using the ELD or otherwise claims unidentified trips using the supporting functionality per the ELD requirements.
- Click Save.
Please note:
Changing the driver access details in Fleet Admin when the associated asset is utilizing unit-based access control will cause the asset to move to a "Config Changed" status.
This change can be made either in Fleet Admin/Assets/Access Control or Fleet Admin/Driver/Access Control to either add/remove drivers from an asset or add/remove assets from a driver.