- Click Measure, on the main menu at the top.
- Under Insights, click Reports.
- Choose Movement reports under report category.
The Daily Movement Report provides the most specific detail about the movement of each asset or driver per day in the selected date range. The report provides a view of all movements or only those in created locations as well as the passenger associated with each trip. Users can also opt to impose filters, for example to only display movements where distance is > 0 km/miles.
If the trip classification feature has been enabled, please view the section on Trip Classification below.
Standard selection
- Selecting a location is compulsory. Click the Select button.
- You can either select specific locations or view all by checking the box next to the location name heading.
Even though the Asset (Asset Description) and Driver columns are shown separately from the "default" columns, they are still included by default, if not deselected. They can however be deselected and omitted from the report by clicking the X.
- Departure Date
- Driver (name of driver)
- Departure Time
- Departed From - A location name in your selection criteria. Hyperlink will navigate to the position on the map.
- Driving Time - The time spent driving between the Departed From location and the Arrived At location.
- Distance - The total distance traveled during the Driving Time (as detected by the OBC).
- Max Speed - Maximum speed traveled between the locations.
- Arrival Time - The date/time the asset or driver stopped at the Arrived At location.
- Arrived At - A location name in your selection criteria. Hyperlink will navigate to the position on the map.
- Next Departure - The date/time the asset or driver left the Arrived At location.
- Standing Time at Location - the time within a trip that is outside of driving time, i.e., the time between Trip Start and first Depart.
- Time At Location - The time spent at the Arrived At location.
- Trip - Click on the blue arrow to go to historical tracking and view the trip on the map or to create a location. Please note: Uncheck the Assets with trips box on the Historical Tracking tab in order to display the trip. This icon is also available on the exported PDF and Excel report formats.
- Avg Speed
- Duration = Driving Time + Standing Time
- Employee No.
- End Lat/Long
- Fleet Number
- Fuel Consumption Measured
- Fuel Used
- Journey Type (Manual Entry)
- Number of Movements
- Odometer End
- Odometer Start
- Passenger - displays the passenger ID associated with the specific trip.
- Standing Time
- Start Lat/Long
- Time Zones
- *Trip Classification - Contains a value of either Business or Private indicating the day of week over which period a business trip is classified. Trip classification is based on trip start time. For example, if a trip started within the specified hours but ended outside of the specified hours, the trip classification will return both - business and private.
- URL in Excel Export - this will include the Trip column with the clickable blue arrow that navigates to Historical tracking in the downloadable Excel export.
Additional Settings
- View all movement or only those in created locations.
- When selecting "All" this will include the following movements:
- Trips that started somewhere not plotted as a location and ended somewhere not plotted as a location, i.e. any address on the map.
- Trips that started somewhere not plotted as a location and ended in an area that is plotted as a location.
- Trips that started within an area plotted as a location and ended in an area not plotted as a location.
- Trips that started and ended in areas plotted as locations.
- When a user selects "locations" this will include the following:
- All trips that started and ended in locations that are plotted as well as the trips that either started or ended in a plotted location. It is important to make sure all relevant locations are selected.
- When selecting "All" this will include the following movements:
Another important point to remember is that if there is a location in a location, the report will indicate both in the same row and separate them with a comma. The smaller location (the location within the location) will be displayed first, followed by the bigger location.
- When an asset has had several movements within the same location use the roll-up function to display the movements in one row.
- Sometimes a plotted location is so big that an asset completes several movements inside that location. Selecting "False" will show all the individual trips within the location.
- Selecting “True” will roll up all the movements (should there be many) within that location in only one row displaying first movement and last movement. You can select the optional column called, “number of movements”, which will then reveal in the last column how many movements were rolled up in that location.
- The shift time parameter allows you to specify the from and to times for movements, e.g. from 6 am to 10 am for each day.
- Movements that ended inside the selected date range and inside the shift even though they did not start within the selected date range will be included.
- Movements that started within the selected date range but after the shift selection will be excluded.
- You can display RAG (red, amber and green) color coding in the default Standing Time at Location column by selecting a desired time frame, e.g. when you select 3-5 mins it means that all trips in this timeframe will be displayed as amber. Everything smaller than this time frame will be shown as green and everything bigger than this timeframe will be displayed in red. The default selection is Not applicable and selecting this will not have any color coding in the column.