Use Historical Tracking if there has been no worker positions in the last 48 hours.
- Click Monitor.
- Under Tracking, click on Historical tracking.
- Click on the organisation name to select the required organisation and/or site. The organisation name is listed in the first column and sites and groups in the next columns.
- Click on the calendar icon to select the to and from dates or click on the drop-down to select a time period, e.g. Last 3 days. Click the check icon to submit your chosen filters.
- Click on the Workers tab next to the Assets tab.
- Click on the locations icon at the top right to select the locations that must be displayed on the map.
- Click the events icon at the top right to select which events must be displayed on the map.
- You can choose to only show workers with tasks for the period by checking the box at the top of the list.
- Each row displays the number of tasks that a specific worker has completed within the specified time period, including the worker name and mobile number.
- The action icon at the end of the row allows you to show/hide trail on map.
Click on the + next to the relevant worker task to expand and view all the tasks that the worker completed within the date range selected.
The following task details are displayed:
- Task icon - green when a worker has completed the task on time, or red if it was overdue.
- The icon shows whether the position is received via a network triangulation based location or a GPS based location.
- Task description
- Task start time
- Task end time
- Duration
- Customer
- Location
Click on the downward facing arrow next to the task for additional functions:
- Show on map - plots the worker's trail on the map.
- View tasks steps - Opens the detailed list of task steps.
- View document - e.g. pre-trip inspection, offloading process, loading equipment, etc.
Tasks will be clustered and displayed in a green circle if more than one task have been completed in the same location. Zoom in to the map or click the circle to make the individual tasks visible.
- The flag indicates the start of the worker trail.
- An arrow shows the direction that the worker has traveled.
- Tasks are represented by briefcase icons - green indicates that a task was done by the specified completion date; red indicates that a task was not done by the specified completion date.
- The green worker icon represents the end of the worker's trail.
- If the worker completed a task at the start of their trail, then the relevant briefcase icon (red or green) will be displayed at the start of the trail.
- If the worker completed a task at the end of their trail, the worker icon with the relevant briefcase (red or green) will be displayed.
See below for an illustration: