Use this feature to quickly find any worker(s) in close proximity to a specific location.
You can specify the location by entering an address, choosing a location from your defined locations list or clicking a point on a map. Find your nearest worker as follows:
- Click Monitor.
- Under Tracking, click Live tracking.
- Click on the find icon on the map tool which is located on the map:
- Click on Find nearest worker and select from the following:
- An address - Select the country, Enter the address.
- A location - Enter the name of the system location.
- A latitude/longitude - Enter the latitude and longitude values.
- A position on the map - Drag the marker to the required point on the map.
- Select Radius - Enter the distance.
- Or choose to view by number of workers.
- Click Search.
- The workers matching the selected criteria will now be listed.
- Click on the downward facing arrow next to the worker to perform functions such as sending a message.