1. MiX Rovi II (V18.17)
- Drivers will no longer have the ability to use personal conveyance mode when in ODWS duty status.
- The Inspections card wording on the Rovi main screen has been changed to Roadside Inspection card.
- Changes have been made to the Canadian rule set. The Not For Shift Reset rule has been removed from the North-of-the-latitude rule sets.
2. MiX Sat Comms
- The Satellite daily message limit was designed to ensure messages set as Critical limited would not be sent over SatComms if the limit has been reached. An improvement has been implemented to ensure that the daily limit will reset only on the next day and not on the same day as found in some cases where the OBC resets. Critical messages will however be sent over SatComms regardless of limit.
3. MiX Fleet Manager Mobile and MiX Go mobile apps
- Google has announced the discontinuation of Google cloud messaging to be replaced with Firebase cloud messaging. This will take effect on 10 April 2019 and will affect the MiX Go mobile apps as well as MiX Fleet Manager Mobile. This release includes compatibility with Firebase when upgrading the MiX mobile apps. See the attached document for more information.
Release Notes
In preparation for the latest release of updates to MiX Fleet Manager, please find attached the final release information.
- New Features & Enhancements: This document provides information about new features, as well as enhancements to existing features.
Click here to view / download the PDF file for new features & enhancements.
- Resolved Service Requests: This document reflects Service Requests (SR's) resolved in this release across all modules of MiX Fleet Manager.
Click here to view / download the PDF file for resolved Service Requests.