- Click on Manage.
- Under Operations, click Organisation settings.
- Click the Standard Scoring tab on the left.
- Make the required changes.
- Click Save.
There are three factors used in the calculation of a driver's score - Weight, Duration and Severity.
Weight Factor
The weight of the violation indicates the importance of the violation in the calculation of the overall score. A weight factor has a value of 0 to 99 with a higher value assigning greater weight to the violation. If one violation has a weight of 20 and another has a weight of 10, the first has twice the importance of the second.
TIP: If you set a weight factor to zero, that violation is excluded from the overall (Average) score calculation for a driver.
Duration Factor
Duration factor is the percentages ranging from 0% to 100% indicating the effect that duration has on the scoring of each of the six violations. You set the duration factor to the percentage, in excess of which the score for the violation must be zero.
For example, you may wish the score for the over speeding violation to be zero when the over speeding time was more than 75% of the total sub trip time. In this case you would set the over speeding duration factor to 75. If the sub trip time is 40 minutes and the driver over speeds for 30 minutes or more, the score will be zero. If the driver over speeds for a shorter period the system calculates the score based on a percentage of the duration factor. So if the driver over speeds for 15 minutes on a 40 minute sub trip and the duration factor is 75, the driver over sped for 50% of the duration factor period of 30 minutes (75% of 40) and so the score for this violation is 50.
TIP: If you set a duration factor to zero, the duration of the violation is excluded from the scoring calculation. This means the violation will only be scored on Severity, if applicable.
Severity Factor
Severity factor is the percentage ranging from 101% to 250% or 0% indicating the effect that the severity of the violation has on the scoring calculation. You set the severity factor to the percentage of the violation trigger value at which the score must be zero.
For example, you may wish to assign a score of zero when the violation exceeds 150% of the trigger value for over speeding. In this case you would set the over speeding severity factor to 150. If the trigger value for a vehicle's over speeding is set to 80 km/h (50 mph) then the severity score will be zero if the vehicle exceeded 120 km/h (75 mph).
TIP: If you set a severity factor to zero, the severity of the violation is excluded from the scoring calculation. This means the violation will only be scored on the Duration, if applicable.
Calculating the Score
Each violation is processed for each sub trip in the selection period. Duration and severity are scored individually and then averaged, unless the duration of the event is 0, in which case only severity will be considered. So if the duration score for over speeding is 50 and the severity score for over speeding is 30, the score for the over speeding violation will be 40. If the factor for either duration or severity is set to zero the score for the violation is merely the score of the non-zero factor.
Each event's score is then averaged for all sub trips, taking the duration of each sub trip into account. This means that a short sub trip will not affect the score as much as a longer sub trip.
Once the scores have been calculated for each violation the final score is calculated by averaging the violation scores, taking the weight factor into account. This is done by multiplying each violation score by its weight and then averaging the weighted scores, before dividing the weighted average score by the sum of the weight factors to give the final score.