As a professional driver you can view your driving activity and performance information directly on the MyMiX app. This will help you get an understanding of which areas need improvement, e.g. speeding, harsh breaking, harsh acceleration, etc. by viewing your score on the driver performance dashboard.
View your driver performance score by logging into the MyMiX app, opening the menu and tapping the My Score option right at the top.
The My score feature is made up of the scoring dashboard, weekly and daily breakdown page and the historical trend. You can access each screen by swiping to the left or right.
Scoring dashboard
The score displayed on your dashboard is based on the scoring model that was setup by your administrator in MiX Fleet Manager for your organisation.
Remember that with the standard scoring model the higher your score, the better your driving performance, whilst with RAG scoring the lower your score, the better your driving performance.
The dashboards shows dials for your score and your site's score. The colors reflect the red, amber and green levels of overall driving performance. The number in the dial represents your current score for the past 7 days.
The site score allows you to engage with your colleagues in friendly competition to help spread the word about improving driving performance and safety, which will benefit yourself, your colleagues, your company, your customers and other road users. See a depiction below of a user score with the RAG scoring model enabled:
Drivers can see how many hours they have been driving and how far they have been driving by looking at the duration and distance indicated at the top.
Weekly / Daily information
Swipe left to view the weekly and daily breakdown page that shows your weekly scores in a bar graph. You can compare your personal score to the site score and scroll down to can see your score and the driving event information for each day of the week. These driving events contribute to your overall driving performance score shown in the dashboard dial. For each driving event there is also the name of the event and the number of times that event occurred in the past 7 days.
Distance driven and time driving information is shown at the top as a weekly total and also for each day.
You can also click on the PREVIOUS 7 DAYS tab to view the same information for the previous 7 days. See the example below:
The 6 month trend
The historical trend page shows how your driving performance has changed over a longer period of time, i.e. 6 months. The background of the graph shows the scoring band thresholds for your company.