MiX Fleet Manager
Several new default events have been added that can be used for diagnostic purposes. See the attached document for a list of these events.
Plug Management Utility
A new version of the Plug Management Utility (PMU) is required to be downloaded and installed before the release of the next MiX Fleet Manager release (21.8). The reason for the new PMU version is to support changes made to the red driver plug to enable multiple rulesets for Canadian ELD. The format of the plug has changed and therefore the PMU must be updated to read this new format correctly. The release also contains enhancements and some bug fixes. Read more in the attached document.
Global hours of service - ELD
When a US ELD rule set is selected for a driver, the driver must be enabled for the ELD functionality to be ELD compliant. Therefore, when a US ELD ruleset is selected for a driver, the ELD enabled checkbox is automatically and immediately selected for that day and the ELD enabled date is no longer a user defined setting. Immediately enabling the driver for ELD has now been extended to the driver import functionality as well.
In preparation for the latest release of updates to MiX Fleet Manager, please find attached the final release information.
1. New Features & Enhancements for detailed information about the new features and enhancements with links to help articles.
2. Resolved Service Requests for a list of all Service Requests (SR's) resolved in this release across all modules of MiX Fleet Manager.