Loading customized audio notifications are now possible via USB flash drive for the AD Plus 2.0. Please read the attached document on how to customize the audio alerts.
The following languages are currently supported for the devices, except the C6D:
- English voice for English UI
- Japanese voice for Japanese UI
- Brazil Portuguese voice for Portuguese UI
- Mexican Spanish voice for English UI
- Russian voice for Russian UI
- Chinese voice for Simplified Chinese UI and Traditional Chinese UI
- French voice for French UI
- Italian
- Portuguese
- European Spanish
The following languages are supported for the C6D device with C6DAI_V3.5.5.8_T221116.72_M86041:
- English voice for English UI
- Japanese voice for Japanese UI
- Brazil Portuguese voice for Portuguese UI
- Mexican Spanish voice for English UI
- Russian voice for Russian UI
- Chinese voice for Simplified Chinese UI and Traditional Chinese UI
- French voice for French UI
- Italian
- Portuguese
- European Spanish