Unidentified hours are Driving and On Duty (Not Driving) periods that are not associated with an HOS or exempt driver. When drivers do not log into the MiX ELD using the red plug or forget to set themselves as the active driver, but continues to drive, driving time is being recorded but not associated to anyone.
- Unidentified hours are automatically allocated to the Unidentified Driver Profile, which exists on each MiX ELD/vehicle.
- The Unidentified Driver Profile is similar to a normal HOS driver in that it is possible to review the logs and log graph.
If you forgot to change your status to the active driver whilst co-driving, claim a specific period of unidentified driving time as follows:
Get to this screen by tapping Hours of Service > HOS Log > Manage Log.
- Tap Unidentified Hours.
- You will be presented with a list of all the unidentified activity within the last 7+ 1 days (for US drivers) or 14+1 days (for Canadian drivers).
- Select the relevant unidentified activity by tapping the box next to it. You can multi-select driving periods if you want to claim more than one.
- To add the unidentified hours, tap Assign.
- This transfers the time from the Unidentified Driver Profile on the ELD to your driver log.
- Read the prompt and tap OK.
- Review the log graph before accepting it.
- You can zoom in and out by tapping the hours icons on the timeline above, 24h, 12h, 8h, 6h, 3h
- View the added driving period indicated in dark green with the dashed outline.
- Tap Next.
- Preview the available hours listing. You can view the available hours for your shift, cycle or sleeper.
- Now either Accept or Reject the change and tap OK to confirm on the next screen. Tapping Reject will return you to the unidentified hours listing screen.
- The claimed driving period can be seen on the log graph indicated in red.
View the demonstration video