Journey request creation consists of the following steps:
- Journey
- Assets & Drivers
- Passenger Allocation
- Cargo Allocation
- Driver Risk Assessment
- Route
- Journey Risk Assessment
- Journey Overview
Creating a New Journey
- Click Monitor.
- Under Journey Management, click Workflow.
- Click the Add journey icon, .
Please note: You can only add journeys on site-level.
Journey details
- Enter a description for the journey.
- Enter an optional Job ID.
- Enter the purpose of the journey - please provide sufficient detail so that the Journey Approver can assess the journey for necessity.
- The created by field is automatically populated and uses the credentials of the logged in user's account.
- Select the journey owner by clicking the Select journey owner button - the journey owner is the person who will be responsible for the journey when on the road. It is typically the primary driver of a single-vehicle journey or the convoy leader for a multi-vehicle convoy.
- Select the cargo types that will be transported.
- Check the box next to Transporting hazardous material if applicable.
- Check the box next to Oversize vehicle if applicable.
- Check the box next to Oversize load if applicable.
- Click Next.
Assets & Drivers
- Click the Select asset button at the top right of the screen.
- Select an asset from the drop down list - you can enter text in the filter box at the top to search.
- Click Select.
- Click on the downwards actions arrow next to the asset line.
- Click Add/Edit drivers to add or edit any drivers to the asset. A journey will be associated with the site that owns the vehicle and drivers will be sorted accordingly. Drivers from the entire organisation can be assigned to a vehicle in a specific site. The list will display 50 vehicles at a time, but more can be loaded by clicking the Load more text at the bottom of the list.
- To remove the asset, click the dropdown actions arrow next to the asset and click Remove asset.
- To remove a driver, click the downwards actions arrow next to the driver line and click Remove driver.
- Click Next
Please note: The journey owner is automatically assigned to the first asset selected. If this is the incorrect selection then the submitting user will need to change it manually.
Passenger Allocation
- Click on the downwards actions arrow next to the asset line.
- Click Add/Edit External Passenger to add or edit the passenger name, mobile number and email.
- Click OK.
- Click on the downwards actions arrow next to the asset line.
- Click Add/Edit Internal Passenger to add or edit the passenger name, mobile number and email.
- Click OK.
- Click Next.
Cargo Allocation
- Click on the downwards actions arrow next to the asset line.
- Click Add/Edit cargo to add or edit any cargo.
- Click on the downwards actions arrow next to the cargo line.
- Click Remove cargo if you want to remove cargo.
- Click Next.
Please note: the cargo selection filter will only show the cargo types which were selected on the Journey screen.
Pre-departure Driver Risk Assessment
Journey Owner
- The name of the journey owner will be automatically populated into the Driver field for the first input of driver risk questions.
- Answer questions by selecting from a drop down list or entering in a response.
- Click Save.
The journey owner is asked more questions than the other drivers on the journey
Other Drivers
- Click Select driver.
- Select a driver with an incomplete status from the list.
- Answer questions by selecting from a drop down list or entering in a response.
- Click Save.
All drivers on the journey must respond to the questions provided. The journey owner will typically enter the information for the other drivers on the journey.
- Once all the drivers have completed the Driver Risk Assessment, click Next
- Select between a Full route plan or a Partial route plan. (Partial route plan excludes route adherence monitoring and will be time-based only.)
- Select between departure or arrival date.
- Select the date by clicking on the calendar icon.
- The route plan timings will automatically adapt based on the input information.
- Check the box next to Use truck attributes for routing if applicable and enter the maximum vehicle weight. Route settings can be managed using the map control. Please note that this functionality is only available when using HERE maps.
- Select an existing route (previously created) or create a new route:
- Add the details of the Start Location. For each location entered (start, end and stop locations) the submitting user can search by address, location or lat/long or they can manually drop the pin on the map.
- Select the vehicle's current location as the start point for the journey by double clicking the vehicle icon on the map in the left panel.
- Check the Return Journey box if applicable.
- You can also check the Save this route box to use the route again in a future journey.
- Click Add.
- Enter in the details of the End Location.
- Click Add.
- Enter in the details of Stop Locations if relevant.
- The submitting user can indicate whether the stop is for rest or refueling or both. Multiple stops can be added.
- Enter the expected amount of time that will be spent at the stop location.
- The stop location is shown as a blue flag on the map along with a stop number on the route plan listing.
- Click Next
Please note: A journey request cannot be submitted if the journey overlaps with another "approved" or "in progress" journey for which the assets/drivers are included.
The system will display a conflicting journey and the user can either select a different asset or driver by clicking the back button or change the date and time of the current journey to resolve the conflict.
Journey Risk Assessment
The Journey risk assessment tab is an output only screen. The screen displays the results of the risk assessment of the journey request based on the current risk policy.
- The risk score is indicated on the right of the screen with red being high, amber medium and green low.
- The risk assessment is broken into 3 categories; Asset, People and Environment. Each category has its own risk score.
- Click on the plus next to the category name to expand it.
- You are now able to view the risk score for each item.
- Under people you can click on the information button next to an item to view the risk score of each driver.
- Click Next or click on the Journey Overview tab on the right to move on to the journey overview screen.
Journey Overview
The Journey Overview screen provides a summary of all the information collected during the journey request creation.
- Click on the '+' next to a heading name to expand and view more information.
- If you want to edit any of the information, click on the tabs at the top to amend the specific details, e.g. amend the route or change a driver with less driving hours, etc.
- Click Submit to save the journey request.