At the departure time, a journey owner will contact the JMC and instruct a JMC Operator to input the first update for a journey. This effectively takes the journey out of the approval workflow and into the monitoring workflow.
To monitor journeys:
- Click Monitor.
- Under Journey Management, click Monitoring.
- This will open the Journey Monitoring timeline screen that shows a graphical status for approved, in-progress and completed journeys. Use the filters on the left to filter results accordingly.
- Exception journeys will automatically be shown at the top of the list.
- The global search function will allow you to filter the list by any entered text.
The journey cards on the timeline will show the planned journey versus the actual journey in a graphical manner and will contain the following information:
- The colour-coded circle represents the status of the entire journey - green indicates on-time, orange is a slight delay and red is delayed/missed.
- The journey description (and the journey reference in brackets) can be clicked and will navigate you to the live monitoring screen.
- The journey owner or lead driver name is displayed next to the person icon.
- The name of the lead asset is displayed next to the vehicle icon.
- If relevant, the number of orders are displayed next to the briefcase icon.
- Passengers will only be displayed if the organisation or site policy includes captured passengers.
- The journey plan is represented by die first grey lines.
- The journey in progress is represented by die second lines. These are colour-coded based on the progress of the journey on each stop:
- Green: On-time
- Orange: Slight delay
- Red and/or missed: Delay
The potential on time, potential slight delay and potential delay will display in the same colours, but a few shades lighter. A journey will have a potential status based on the calculations from the previous stop. When the driver reaches that stop it will have an actual recording and will no longer have a potential status.
The lines are displayed in the start, stop and end sequence.
When hovering over a line, a tooltip will be displayed containing the following information:
- The start location tooltip shows the location itself, the departure date/time(plan or actual), stop instructions if specified, stop duration if specified and stop activity if specified.
- The stop tooltip shows the stop sequence number, location (an icon will indicate if it is a transit waypoint or an actual stop and will be colour-coded based on the status of the stop), stop duration, stop activity, stop instruction, arrival time, departure time. A waypoint is indicated by a flag, which will be either green, red or orange and blue, which is the initial stop. A transit waypoint is indicated by a pin that stays blue with a grey line because it is not updated since it just passes through and contains no duration.
- The end location tooltip shows the location itself, the arrival date/time(plan or actual), stop instructions if specified, stop duration if specified and stop activity if specified