- Click Monitor.
- Under Hours of Service, click Timeline.
- Select the driver by clicking on the breadcrumb bar and using the Miller Columns.
- Select the date and time by clicking on the calendar icon. Select a specific time by clicking on the digital time clock on the calendar and changing the hours and minutes.
- Click on the graphical display of the timeline where you want to add the log data.
- Click Add log data.
- To change the driver, click the Change driver link and enter a new driver name in the textbox. Remember that you need to enter the surname followed by a comma and the first name for ELD requirements, e.g. Smith, John.
- Select an event category, e.g. inspection and then select the type, e.g. post trip inspection.
- Choose the date and time by using the calendar icon.
- Enter an annotation if required.
- Click Save.
- Click Confirm after viewing the summary.