- Click Monitor.
- Under Hours of Service, click Timeline.
- Select the driver by clicking on the breadcrumb bar and using the Miller Columns.
- Select the date and time by clicking on the calendar icon. Select a specific time by clicking on the digital time clock on the calendar and changing the hours and minutes.
- Click on the graphical display of the status where you want to make changes.
- Select Edit Status.
- Edit the driver or asset by clicking on the Change driver or Change asset links.
- Change the status or sub-status (if you have the Time Entry feature enabled.)
- Change the date and time by clicking on the calendar icon.
- Enter a mandatory annotation / remark.
- Click Next.
- The driver status summary window will be displayed.
- The odometer reading can be edited, within a valid range, by clicking the Change odo link as shown below.
- Change the engine hours if required by entering a valid value by clicking the Change engine hours link.
- Edit the location by either dragging the pin to the required location on the map or by clicking on the Change Location link.
- Choose between adding an address, entering a previously custom created location or adding a latitude and longitude value.
- As you start entering information in the box provided, the system will start filtering the address or saved location as you type.
- Click on the correct destination from the filtered list.
- If an address you are adding is not a saved location you can save it by checking the Save as a location box.
- Click Save.
- Confirm changes by clicking Confirm after reading the summary.