- Click Monitor.
- Under Hours of Service, click Timeline.
- Select the driver by clicking on the breadcrumb bar and using the Miller Columns.
- Select the date and time by clicking on the calendar icon. Select a specific time by clicking on the digital time clock on the calendar and changing the hours and minutes.
Navigating the HOS timeline
The HOS timeline provides an interactive graphical overview of vehicle and driver activities during a 24-hour period.
Clicking on an item in the timeline or selecting a time period by dragging your mouse over the required time, displays the details of what took place.
The window has two main areas. The upper window shows status changes and events graphically on the timeline while the lower window shows textual information describing those changes and events.
Tip: Maximise the timeline window for best viewing results.
See section below for status colour depictions.
(Remember that the options displayed on this screen depend on the rule set you chose for the organisation. If you have not enabled the feature for electronic logging devices, you will not be able toe add and/or edit duty statuses.)
- Select the organisation, site and specific driver by clicking on the downwards arrow.
- Select the date and time.
- Select the events you want to see on the timeline.
- Shows the amount of pending edits. Click the button to view the timeline without pending edits (button is grey.) Click the button again to view pending edits as shown by the red added line above as shown at 7 (button is green as depicted above.)
- Change the view from 24hr period to 12hrs, 6hrs, 3hrs, 1hrs, 30min, 15min, 10min or 5min zoom.
- Co-driver selector, if relevant.
- Shows when a duty status was added or edited. The depiction above shows an added yard move status between 10:21and 10:36.
- Re-centres timeline to the start of day.
- Shows the colour legend depicting the various statuses as displayed in the section below.
- Opens the driver log view.
- Activates the query line - drag the line to any place on the timeline for detailed information.
- Click the arrows to scroll the timeline.
- Shows tacho availability.
- Indicates the trip and sub-trip information. View the trip timeline for detailed info.
- Click on any status to edit or add a status before or after.
- Hover over an event for more information in the event list.
- Drag up to view detailed information.