We are pleased to inform you that the next release of MiX Fleet Manager has been approved and will soon be rolled-out globally.
1. MiX Insight Reports
- The Entered Fuel Report has been enhanced so that any optional columns selected by users will appear on the summary as well as detailed individual asset pages.
- The "Include tasks not assigned to workers" and "Include tasks not allocated to templates" parameters have been removed from the selection criteria on the Summary and detailed task Report to make the wizard perform more efficiently. These parameters have now been included inside the worker and template list selection criteria.
- Users are invited to review the Monthly Trend Report found in the scoring folder. It displays trends based on assets and drivers for the last 3 months (excluding the current month) and offers a great summary view for those customers who use Standard Scoring in their organisation. This is not a new report.
2. MiX Insight Agility
- A new RAG band has been added with an amber band range from 7 to 15.
3. MiX Hours of Service
- The Time Entry extension to the Hours of Service module is available in this release for a controlled field trial in the US. A full description of functionality will be made available to the MiX American offices to facilitate the field trial. A targeted regional release will follow after successful field trials and customer acceptance.
- Please note: Time Entry requires the Rovi 18.14 software version to be installed.
- A major update to the Timeclock to incorporate Time Entry features will be released in 18.13. The updated Timeclock is also applicable to standard HOS customers. Read the attached documentfor information about the manual URL change that is required.
- An updated MiX Timeclock Plug Interface Agent has been released that supports new Time Entry features and includes various bug fixes.
- Rovi 18.14 now includes the HOS mode indication on the Rovi screen banner, i.e. AOBRD or ELD.
- The HOS Violations report now has additional selectable columns, e.g. time in violation and violation limit.
- Performance have been improved on the HOS Violations Driver Site Summary and HOS Violations Organization Summary Reports by using summary API calls integrated into the reports.
4. MiX Rovi II
- The ability to create a Rovi II configuration group without having to have an asset on the database with a Rovi II enabled has now been added.
- The Rovi II 18.14 Software includes the Time Entry release software version for Rovi II.
- The shutdown button on the home screen of the MiX Rovi has been replaced with a screen dim button to avoid users shutting down the device during a trip and subsequently causing trip-logging issues.
- The screen dim feature is also available via the keypad. When the user presses the left or right button on the keypad whilst on the home screen, the screen will dim or brighten incrementally.
- The ability to create a Rovi II configuration group without having to have an asset on the database with a Rovi II enabled has now been added.
- The legacy USB config plug has been deprecated and a new format has been implemented. This new format will now be consistent with the OTA (over-the-air) upload method.
3. MiX TechTool
- iOS:
- Pull down to refresh functionality has been applied to all iOS devices for the following pages: Diagnostics, Selection of Organisations and Sites. To update these screens with the latest values, the user can pull down on the screen to refresh the page.
Release Notes
In preparation for the latest release of updates to MiX Fleet Manager, please find attached the final release information.
1. New Features & Enhancements: This document provides information about new features, as well as enhancements to existing features.
Click here to view / download the PDF file for New Features & Enhancements.
2. Resolved Service Requests: This document reflects Service Requests (SR's) resolved in this release across all modules of MiX Fleet Manager.
Click here to view / download the PDF file for resolved Service Requests.