- Click Measure.
- Under Insights, click Reports.
- Choose Fuel reports under report category.
This report is typically used to reconcile and manage fuel usage. Use this report to compare measured fuel data (actual fuel used) versus fuel that you have captured from your refueling records. The comparison report shows measured and entered data side by side, allowing the reader to compare the distance calculated between two fills versus the measured distance between two fills. The report also compares the liters/gallons used when refueling versus the measured liters/gallons between the two fills. The report also displays the calculated consumption between the two types of data.
Important Note:
When capturing fuel information online for comparative purposes, the correct date and time of the refueling is critical. It is recommended that the fuel tank is filled to the same full position on each fill or the comparative data will show variances between the liters/gallons measured and liters/gallons used. If the issued liters/gallons are more than the measured liters/gallons this is an indication that fuel has been removed from the asset or less fuel was dispensed than captured. If the measured liters/gallons are more than the issued liters/gallons this is an indication that either not all fuel issues have been captured on-line or there are errors with the captured info such as date, time, odometer or liters/gallons.
- Fleet Managers
- Fleet Coordinators
- Controllers
Additional Settings
- Choose if you want to highlight a distance variance larger than 5, 10, 15 or not at all.
- Highlight fuel variance larger than 5, 10, 15 or not at all.
Please note that no data will be displayed for entered or measured fuel if no data has been entered/recorded.
- Asset Description
- Previous Fill Date/Time
- Fill Date/Time
- Target Consumption - The target consumption is defined in the asset configuration.
- Entered/Fill - with three columns containing values for distance, fuel and consumption
- Measured - with three columns containing values for distance, fuel and consumption
- Driving Duration
- First Fill Odometer
- Idle Duration
- Last Fill Odometer
- Site Name
- Total CO2-EST - in volume
- Variance Distance
- Variance Fuel Used
The measurement unit will depend on what has been configured in measurement settings.
This report is available for tracer units.