The MiX Talk solution is serving the market as a replacement for the FM Voicekit and is used as a hands-free communication tool for drivers to safely and easily contact the fleet administrators and vice versa. The MiX Talk integration into MiX Fleet Manager has been completed and allows users to commission a MiX Talk device as well as update the keypad numbers. The integrated solution is currently only available in Africa.
MiX TechTool
The Asset Summary page has been upgraded to the application's new look and feel. The "Configuration Groups - Asset level - Upload" permission has been applied to the firmware upload feature.
Regards, CSO Product and Programme Management
Release Notes
In preparation for the latest release of updates to MiX Fleet Manager, please find attached the final release information.
1. New Features & Enhancements for detailed information about the new features and enhancements with links to help articles.
2. Resolved Service Requests for a list of all Service Requests (SR's) resolved in this release across all modules of MiX Fleet Manager.