You can enable certain filters on GPS records to exclude positions that do not meet minimum
specified criteria from displaying in Live and Historical tracking.
These filters will also prevent the generation of server-side events.
- Click Manage.
- Under Operations, click Organisation settings.
- Click the Tracking options tab on the left.
- Scroll down to Filter positions and check the box next to "Filter the GPS records before displaying them in Live tracking and Historical tracking, and prevent the generation of Server-side events where GPS position quality does not meet the minimum specified below" to enable this functionality.
Please note that the filters, except Age of reading and Speed threshold, will be enabled by default and automatically applied to all databases with the following default values:
- HDOP: 2
- Number of satellites: 4
If you do not want these filters applied to your data, you have to manually disable these by deselecting the checkboxes or changing the required values on the specific organization as required. The reason this was implemented by default is to ensure that all customers receive the benefit of filtering server-side events generated where poor GPS quality is present and to apply this to also exclude these records from Live and Historical.
- You can enable a filter to only plot points with an age of reading for more than a certain amount of specified time by checking the relevant box.
- You can choose to only plot points with a speed value of less than a certain distance per hour by checking the speed threshold checkbox.
Horizontal Dilution of Precision - describes the error caused by the relative position of the GPS satellites. If the value is <2 it is considered accurate enough to determine if a vehicle is on the road. An HDOP value of 1 or below would give you an accuracy of about 2.5 meters.