- Click Measure.
- Under Insights, click Reports.
- Choose Scoring reports under report category.
The Driver Scorecard Report displays scoring results based on a point system where penalty points are added when pre-set occurrence or duration thresholds have been exceeded on specified events and then calculated per 100 kilometer/miles.
The report displays the individual event scores which make up the total score of the scorecard and includes only specific events, namely, Over speeding, Harsh acceleration, Harsh braking and HOS Exceeding Driving Hours. The report is a monthly report therefore data will always aggregate to month-level for a driver. The report is not configurable to select other events nor amend penalty points. If this is a requirement, please use the Flexible Driver Scorecard Report.
Please note: Data from Tracer, VT & AT mobile devices will not be displayed due to scoring information that is made available in the report and are not supported by these mobile unit types.
Remember that this report is generated to display data by driver and not by asset as it relates to scoring/driver performance of a driver.
This Driver Scorecard scoring method assigns points to an occurrences per 100 kilometer/miles and assigns points to exceeding specified duration in terms of Hours of Service events per 100 kilometer/miles.
Exporting: Not recommended to use in PDF format due to the number of default columns that do not fit into one page.
- Fleet Managers
- Driver Supervisors
- Coordinators
- Controllers
Additional Settings
- The normal report period date parameters will be available for selection, but it is important to remember that the dates will always be aggregated by month. This means that the report will always roll up the data per driver per month regardless of the selection period. For example, if the user selects the reporting period to be last week and the week includes dates from July and August, the report output will display two rows per driver, one for July and one for August as illustrated below.
- Speed measure:
- Fixed Speed - means that speeding violations are based on the standard system event. This measure is the default selection in this report.
- Road Speed - speeding violations are based on the road speed server side event.
- Tiered Speed - aggregates fixed speed, road speed, location based speed where events overlap and always starts at location based, then road speed (Rovi) and then fixed speed.
- Start range for amber scores - provides a dropdown with values from 1 to 30. The default is set to 2.
- End range for amber scores - provides a dropdown with values from 3 to 50. The default is set to 5.
- RAG options - Users can select to view drivers without trips, Amber Drivers, Green Drivers, Red Drivers or a combination of these options.
Report Layout
First Section
- At the top of the report the user will always be able to see the relevant information behind the scoring calculation and the color banding:
- Scorecard Settings - displays the default penalty points assigned per violation occurrence and duration.
- Scoring thresholds - are displayed as selected by the user in the report wizard.
- The speed measure is displayed as selected by the user in the report wizard.
- Driver Name - name of the driver.
- Month - this is rolled up based on the data retrieved.
- Distance - (units of measure specific) is the aggregated distance travelled for that month for that specific driver.
- Harsh Braking Penalty Points - is the sum of penalty points accumulated by the driver on that month for this event based on the score card logic, which is 1 point per occurrence.
- Harsh Brake Occurrences - this is a sum of occurrences for this event by the driver for that month.
- Harsh Braking Score - is calculated as follows: points / distance * 100 and rounded to the second decimal, e.g. 1,646 will display as 1,65.
- Harsh Acceleration Penalty Points - the sum of penalty points accumulated by the driver on that month for this event based on the score card logic, which is 1 point per occurrence.
- Harsh Acceleration Occurrences - this is a sum of occurrences for this event by that driver for that month.
- Harsh Acceleration Score - is calculated as follows: points / distance * 100 and rounded to the second decimal, e.g. 1,163 will display as 1,16.
- Over Speeding Penalty Points - the sum of penalty points accumulated by the driver on that month for this event based on the score card logic, which is 1 point per cumulative duration of 60 seconds:
Example, Distance is 1476,10.
As per above example Duration is 04:50:12 and calculated to seconds it is 17412 seconds = (4X60X60) + (50X60) + 12.
171412 seconds divided by 60 seconds (the violation rule) = 290,2 points. Decimals are excluded and will display as 290 in the report.
- Over Speeding Duration (hh:mm:ss) - Over Speeding duration.
- Over Speeding Score - is calculated as follows: points / distance * 100 in this example (290 / 1476,10 X 100) and rounded to the second decimal, e.g. 19,646 will display as 19,65.
- HOS Exceeding Driving Horus Penalty Points - this is the sum of penalty points accumulated by the driver on that month for this event based on the score card logic, which is 1 point per cumulative duration of 600 seconds.
Example, Distance is 428,90:
As per above example Duration is 06:07:00 and calculated to seconds it is 22020 seconds = (6X60X60) + (7X60) + 0.
22020 seconds divided by 600 seconds (the violation rule) = 36,7 points. Decimals are excluded and will display as 36 in the report (view last line).
- HOS Exceeding Driving Hours Duration (hh:mm:ss) - Duration of HOS driving violations.
- HOS Exceeding Driving Hours Score - is calculated as follows: points / distance * 100 in this example (36 / 428,90 X 100) and rounded to the second decimal, e.g. 8,393 will display as 8,39.
- Total Score - the sum of all event scores (Harsh Braking Score + Hash Acceleration Score + Over Speeding Score + HOS Exceeding Driving Hours Score).
- Custom Group - This is the custom group name that the driver belongs to. Drivers can belong to more than one custom group or even to none.
- Driver ID
- Max Speed Recorded distance/hour - The maximum speed recorded for that driver, that month.
- Site Name - A driver can only belong to one site.
Driver scorecard logic
- The scorecard logic is based on distance per 100 km or miles (depending on user measurement setting).
- The events for this scoring method are static and cannot be changed at this stage.
- Harsh acceleration and harsh braking are calculated based on event occurrences. For every occurrence 1 penalty point is applied.
- The over speeding rule is to apply 1 penalty point for every over speeding event that has a cumulative duration of 60 seconds.
- A single point for every 60 seconds in that duration will be applied, e.g. if a driver's over speeding event is 2 minutes then the driver will get 2 points.
- HOS exceeding driving hour violation rule is to apply 1 penalty point for every 600 seconds in a HOS driving violation duration.
- Formula to calculate event’s scores = points accumulated for month for that event divided by distance travelled for the month multiplied by 100.
- Total score = sum all event scores as per above formula and apply colouring based on selected thresholds.