Peripherals are either physical devices connected to the input lines or can be intangible such as CAN scripts. Many standard peripherals, for example a Speed Sender, are already supported in the software and you can easily add other devices such as a Headlights Switch. Within this library you can perform some of the following functions::
- Make the input available for use in the creation of mobile device templates by enabling it (see below).
- Edit the default parameter calibration and configuration settings for the input device (not the input device type or parameters available).
- Add a new peripheral (and create a new parameter if necessary), select input type, define calibration and configuration settings for the input device.
- Duplicate an existing device and edit.
- Configure a peripheral device for Hours of Service.
When you make a peripheral available it also populates the parameters library with the associated parameters.
Events can be defined to take information from these external devices into account. For example, an event to detect Over Speeding would take the value of Road Speed from the Speed Sender device into account.
Enable a peripheral on the organisation
- Click Manage.
- Under Config Admin, click Libraries.
- Click the Peripheral library tab.
- Click on the actions arrow next to the required peripheral.
- Click Make available.
You can also make organisation-specific changes to peripherals.