If you want to investigate incidents that occurred in the past in an existing location or by creating a new location retrospectively after the incident occurred, use Location Analyzer.
Location Analyzer is primarily used for the investigation of specific incidences where you know more or less, when and where an event occurred.
The key question that Location analyzer intends to answer is which driver(s) and asset(s) were in a specific known location at a specific known time range.
Permission: You will need the "Location Analyzer" permission to access this feature.
See below for a list of limitations.
Use cases - answer these types of questions using Location Analyzer
Which of my assets were in a certain area at a certain time?
Which drivers were speeding excessively in certain hot spot areas?
Can I see the driving behavior of my drivers on a certain road for a specific period to determine the possibility of road damage through harsh cornering or excessive speeding?
I want to view an ad-hoc report on road network usage by an entire fleet for a longer period.
Which of my assets were visiting multiple depots out of hours over a longer period to determine stock theft investigations?
See a report of fuel card usage by viewing fuel stop locations and assets at these locations over a longer period of time.
- Click Measure.
- Under Insights, click Location analyzer.
- Choose the relevant organization. You can only go down to organization level and you can only select one organization.
- On this page, you will see a list of existing queries if relevant.
- Click the refresh button at the top to see the latest list.
Click on the image to view it in full screen if the article is open in your browser:
You can view the details of the analysis by opening it via the editing feature, edit an analysis query or delete a query.
If your list is empty, add a query as follows.
Add a new location analysis query
- Click the Add button, .
- Enter a mandatory description, e.g. Road damage analysis.
- Choose if you want to report on assets or drivers.
- Select specific assets/drivers across the organization by clicking the select assets/drivers button and then search for all available in the organization. Or expand the organization tree by clicking the '+' next to the organization name to select all the assets/drivers from a specific organization or site. You can select multiple organization groups and sites. (You can only select a maximum of up to 3000 at a time).
- Select a specified date range by choosing from the dropdown list or enter a custom date range by selecting the custom date range radio button and clicking the calendar icons to select a from and to date. The maximum date range is 2 months per query and you cannot go back further than 12 months.
- You can use an existing location and select it from the list by checking the box next to the name. Use the filter bar to search for a specific location. (You can only do an analysis for up to 10 locations at a time).
- Or create a new location by specifying a location name and address.
- The location can be temporary for the investigation only, or permanent by checking the box to save location for future use. (If you do not see this option, it means you do not have the required permissions to create locations.)
- Select the desired report format from the list, i.e. CSV, Excel or PDF.
- Now click Save.
View the status column to see the progress of your query.
- When the lookup is complete, the status will show Download report.
- Click the status message to choose in which format you would like to download the report.
- When you select the "AVL's in location" checkbox an additional column will be included in the report that shows you if an asset moved through a location but missed an AVL inside the location by means of a yes or no result in the column. Functionality in Location Analyzer ensures that if an AVL is missed due to inadequate frequency, etc. we can still report on the drive-through with the following rule - If no positions were recorded within the location, but a location is detected in between the outlying positions via a straight line, an event will be recorded. This means the system can still determine if the asset went through the location when there was a straight line through it. Yes means the event fired due to an actual recorded AVL inside the location. No means the event used the extra logic and no AVL was recorded inside the location. This column can assist a user to filter out potential false positives and/or assist to amend location shapes and positioning.
NOTE - checking this box only includes the optional column in the report. It does not determine if special logic is applied or not.
- If the query fails it will show a status of Data retrieval failed and can be clicked to view an error code of why the query failed. Please log a support ticket to resolve this issue.
Analysis queries will only be available for 180 days and will automatically be removed after 180 days.
Permission: You will need the "Can access location analyzer" permission to see this feature.
- You can only do an analysis on a period as far back as 12 months.
- An analysis can only be done for a period of 2 months at a time.
- An analysis can be done on a maximum of 3000 assets/drivers at a time.
- You can only do an analysis for up to 10 locations at a time (although in 99% of cases the feature will be required for only one location).
- Location size restrictions apply. No locations larger than 19.31 mi2 can be used.
- Temporary locations which are not saved as permanent locations will not have an edit option.