- Click Manage.
- Under Notifications, click Event notifications.
- Click on Add notification, .
- Enter a descriptive name for the notification, e.g. Panic button press.
- Choose if you want the notification sent for Assets, Drivers or Assets with Drivers.
- Click Next.
- You can send notifications to a group or to individually selected drivers or assets. Choose the tab at the top to make your selection.
- If you want to choose a group of assets/drivers, click on the relevant tab at the top and then click on the + to expand the list and select the group/site. All assets/drivers that are added to, or removed from, the group or site after the notification has been created will automatically be included or removed from the event notification. If you want to select an individual asset/driver or only certain assets/drivers, click the tab at the top and select the desired assets/drivers by checking the box next to the relevant names.
- Click Next.
- On the events tab, select the event for which you want to receive notifications, e.g. entering location or door open. Use the filter to find and select required events. Click on the box next to the event to select it, you can select more than one event. Alternatively, scroll through the list and click on load more to view more events.
Note that events triggered by the onboard computer must be configured to send active messages in the event configuration for the selected asst otherwise the notification will fail. This does not apply to server-side events.
- Click Next.
- Add recipients by clicking the Select recipients button. Add new recipients by clicking the If the recipient does not exist - click here to add link.
- Click Next.
- You can now insert a notification message by simply typing in the Notification message box and/or insert tokens for information to be populated automatically.
- Click Save.
Tokens |
{Asset Description} |
Use to include the assets description, including the registration number. |
{Asset SMS number} |
Use this to include the SMS number of the asset. |
{Date/time of Event} |
If you want to include the date and time at which the event occurred. |
{Driver ID} |
To include the driver’s identification number. If no driver has been identified the vehicle’s default driver will be shown. |
{Driver Name} |
Use this to include the driver’s name. |
{Driver mobile number} |
Include the driver's mobile number in the email header or SMS body to easily contact the driver when a notification has been received. |
{Event ID} |
To include the event’s identification number. |
{Event Description} |
Use this to include a description of the event, e.g. over speeding. |
{Event Value} |
Use this to include the event’s recorded value. As this is the raw, un-calibrated value directly from the vehicle it may only be useful to include this for certain specific events. |
{GPS Longitude} |
Use this to include the longitudinal element of the vehicle’s position when the event occurred. |
{GPS Latitude} |
To include the latitudinal element of the vehicle’s position when the event occurred. |
{Site name} |
Will include the name of the site in which the driver/asset operates. |
{Speed} |
Will show the asset's current speed. |
{Trailer ID} |
Use this to include the trailer's ID. |
{Vehicle ID} |
Use this to include the vehicle’s identification number. |