Make sure all the following have been put in place and enabled for server-side events to work correctly:
- Lightning: Positions - The SSE engine is fed by positions from the Lighting position store.
- Lightning: Locations - The SSE engine uses locations stored in the Lightning location store for location-based events.
- Notification module - Notifications are created via the Notifications module.
- Server-side events permissions - Relevant user permissions are required to see the server-side event module.
Due to how certain unit types determine trip status, they will not be supported for SSE.
Certain unit type dependencies exist. Read here for more information.
The solution is not available for TABS units.
- VT/AT – not supported
- Phone as OBC – not supported
Notifications cannot be created for "Distance in location" and "Location entry and exit" rules for the FM units.
Where speed limit data is stored on the on-board computer over speeding events can be generated by the on-board computer IN REAL TIME. These real time events can be used to alert the driver in-cab of the violation immediately. These can be detailed events with accurate duration available for event and scoring reporting.
HOWEVER - Events generated on the server cannot be used to alert drivers immediately. Events generated on the server are limited to the resolution of the AVL frequency which is defined in the config.
Users with site level access cannot create or edit server-side events.