1. MiX Insight Reports
- The Info Hub Event Report will now also display Journey Management alert commands.
- A new Driver Debrief Report has been added to the Scoring folder and can be used by driver supervisors to debrief drivers after a day’s work. The report includes various sections that can be selected, including event summary, scoring trend, movement summary as well as driver license and certification status.
2. MiX Insight Agility
- The Excel add-in has been upgraded with mandatory updates to maintain continuous improvement. All MiX Insight Agility users will receive a once-of pop-up message that will require them to upgrade their Agility add-in upon first login to any Agility template. The message will instruct users to uninstall the Insight Agility add-in before installing the latest upgrade. For instructions on how to do this, please read this document.
3. MiX TechTool
- Android:
- The name of the logged-in user and the selected server were added to the slide-out menu.
- Users can now set the calibration value per 1000 RPM so that technicians can calibrate based on standard values.
- The functionality to enter the distance that the technician should drive to calibrate the speed has been added.
- Users can now choose the RPM that the technician wants to use to calibrate the RPM.
- If the GPS signal strength is not adequate, the system will prevent the app speed calibration and inform the user that the signal strength is too low for calibration.
- iOS:
- The name of the logged-in user and the selected server were added to the slide-out menu.
- The functionality to enter the distance that the technician should drive to calibrate the speed has been added.
- Users can now choose the RPM that the technician wants to use to calibrate the RPM.
- If the GPS signal strength is not adequate, the system will prevent the app speed calibration and inform the user that the signal strength is too low for calibration.
4. Journey Management
- The Journey Management Overview Report (Detailed) and Journey Management Overview Report (Summary) as found on individual journeys in the workflow module, have been renamed to Briefing Report (Detailed) and Briefing Report (Summary). Both these reports now include order information per each stop as well as dates and comments in the approval workflow.
- A new report has been added named, Debriefing Report. This report is only available on journeys that are in progress or completed. The report includes any info hub comments that were captured as part of the journey and it displays planned vs. actual journey details.
Release Notes
In preparation for the latest release of updates to MiX Fleet Manager, please find attached the final release information.
1. New Features & Enhancements: This document provides information about new features, as well as enhancements to existing features.
Click here to view / download the PDF file for New Features & Enhancements.
2. Resolved Service Requests: This document reflects Service Requests (SR's) resolved in this release across all modules of MiX Fleet Manager.
Click here to view / download the PDF file for resolved Service Requests.
3. MiX Insight Agility: How to uninstall the current Agility add-in.