Server-side events allow the generation of location-based and movement events on the server through the monitoring of the live AVLs and passive data downloads against the server-side event rules for an organization.
Create your own server-side events as follows:
- Click Monitor.
- Under Fleet Admin, click Server-side events.
- Click on the Add server-side event icon:
Tab 1 - Enter the name
- Type an event description, e.g. Exit Florida Rest stop-1.
- Under "Record event for" select if you want it to record for the asset(s), the driver(s), or both.
- Select if it should be once-off or recurring. If you select once off, the event will only trigger once only and never again. If you select a group of assets on the following page, the event will trigger for the first asset where it occurs. Thereafter the event is not triggered again, not even on any of the other assets selected.
- Set an expiry date if you do not want the event to trigger indefinitely.
- Click Next in the top right-hand corner.
Tab 2: Select the relevant assets and drivers
- Select either groups or individual assets/drivers - selecting a group will automatically select all its sub-groups/sites. This will include or remove assets from the server-side event as they are added or removed from groups. The individual selection is used if you would like to have a server-side event for a specific asset regardless of the site it belongs to. New assets added to selected groups will not automatically be included in server-side events. Individually selected assets will be monitored regardless of the groups they move to.
- Select the group or individual from the organizational hierarchy by clicking on the '+' .
- Click Next.
Tab 3: Set up the desired event
- Select the Event type from the drop down list:
- Click Save.
Important Notes
Server-side events are not part of the asset configuration and therefore need not be added to event templates.
Server-side events are not visible in Config Admin.
The definition of “in trip” for server-side events is:
- In trip = Where speed > 5 km/h and distance traveled is greater than 300m.
- Out of trip = Where speed drops below 5km/h for longer than 5 minutes.
Server-side events are displayed in MiX Fleet Manager depending on whether it is recorded as active or passive data. You can view an entire list of the different types of server-side events and whether they use active or passive data here.
After setting up your server-side events you can run a Detailed Event report or set up notifications to inform you if these events have been triggered.
Users with site-level access cannot create or edit server-side events.
Units dependencies
Due to how certain unit types determine trip status, they will not be supported for SSE.
Certain unit-type dependencies exist. Read here for more information.
The solution is not available for TABS units.
- VT/AT – not supported
- Phone as OBC – not supported