You can view a driver's HOS log in the HOS Log Viewer.
You can access this as follows:
- Click Monitor.
- Under Hours of Service, click Log Viewer.
- Select the relevant driver by clicking on the breadcrumb bar and using the Miller Columns
You can also navigate to the log directly from the driver list, by clicking the actions arrow next to the driver's record as shown below:
The HOS Log viewer has two main areas. The upper window shows the timeline which includes a grapical representation of the status changes and events while the lower window shows the various log information tabs available to you, e.g. inspections, exemptions, violations, etc.
- Set the date and time.
- Zoom in/out using the filters at the top.
Please note that all HOS log edits are displayed in red on the HOS graph and an Edited badge is visible at the top of the graph as depicted below:
- Jump to the driver's start of day by clicking the button on the top right. You can set a different start of day. In the example below the driver's day starts at 8:00 am:
- You can view the different information available for your driver by clicking the tabs at the top of the bottom panel, e.g. if you want to view all the driver's violations, click the tab as shown below: