We strongly recommend applying the custom scoring solution in thorough consultation with the RSO or dealer technical team and with the customer considering all the use case boundaries beforehand.
It is important to understand the organization's fleet composition, i.e. unit types and peripherals and the associated capabilities or lack thereof before enabling the custom scoring solution.
Say, for instance, a unit type does not have a serial port or the event requires door switches to be installed before it can be configured, then that event will not generate for the specific driver or asset.
Because scoring is managed on an organization level it is also strongly recommended that the “Organization settings – scoring” permission is managed at RSO or dealer level to prevent giving several users in the same organization access with the risk of them overriding each other’s settings, since changing the settings will have a wide impact on the entire organization and subsequently the drivers if MyMiX is enabled.
You can choose how you want to set up your driver scoring based on your unique operational needs. Choose any events and thresholds on which you would like your drivers to be monitored.
You can select up to 25 events.
- Click Manage
- Under Operations, click Organization settings.
- Click the Scoring tab on the left.
- Choose between RAG scoring or the Driver scorecard scoring tabs at the top.
You will only be able to see this if you have permission to "Organisation settings - Scoring".
Important points to remember
- The custom scoring solution is an organization setting, which means it will apply the same scoring model to all assets/drivers in that organization. Scoring can therefore not be configured per custom group or site.
- Remember that drivers will be scored as per the configuration of the event for the specific assets that they drive. This is because, say for instance, if harsh cornering is selected, the specific event config will be different for a heavy vehicle than for a car.
- For mixed fleets, if a unit type does not support a specific event, no event will be triggered or recorded and subsequently no score generated for that event for the driver.
- Reports can be created per site or custom group, where drivers with similar expected results can be grouped and viewed together.
- Please take note that the custom scoring solution is not supported in MiX Agility but will be supported in dashboards.
- You can generate the Flexible RAG Daily, Flexible RAG Summary and Flexible RAG Year to Date reports when making use of the RAG scoring solution. These can be found in the Scoring folder.
- Users making use of the custom Driver scorecard solution can generate the Flexible Driver Scorecard report.
- The solution is only verified and tested for FM and MiX 4000 unit types and therefore only these devices are currently supported.
- The new scoring domain has data for the past 6 months and will keep on accumulating. This means customers using flexible scoring will initially be able to generate reports going as far back as 6 months where-after data will be accumulated.