- Click Measure.
- Under Insights, click Reports.
- Choose Hours of Service reports under Report category.
Please note: This report will not be available when the organization is enabled for GHOS-EU.
The Driver Log report shows the HOS log graph for drivers as well as a summary of the time and location where status changes were made. (You can also access this report directly from the HOS timeline or from the Timeclock feature.)
- HOS Administrators
- HOS Drivers
- Payroll Managers - if the Time Entry feature has been enabled.
Additional Settings
- Choose if you want to view the original report or the edited version. The edited version contains any changes made to the logs by the driver. The edited version with Time Entry means that the report will display the changes made and include the sub-statuses too, e.g. if a driver was on-duty not driving, and logged as doing training, but edited the sub-status to yard time. When you select the original version, you will not see any of the edits that were made to the logs.
- Choose the operating jurisdiction - United States or Canada. (The CCMTA requires that only the short abbreviations for work-state changes must be shown in the Canadian version of the report).
- Current log date -shown in the banner at the top.
A log graph with the duty statuses and the total time spent in each will be displayed. The legend at the bottom will indicate what each color means, e.g. yellow for information entered on the Timeclock, blue when data is assumed, etc. See more below on assumed data*.
Please note that information shown on this report will differ depending on the mobile device in use, e.g. MiX Rovi II, MiX Rovi IV, etc. and the ELD operating jurisdiction.
Header columns
- Record date / Date of RODS - (MM-DD-YY)
- Day starting time - (HH:MM:SS)
- Time zone
- Current location (latitude, longitude)
- Output File comment
- Current Date and Time - (MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS)
- Driver Name
- Driver ID (username)
- Exempt Driver Status - '0' No.
- Driver license number and jurisdiction
- Co-drivers - another person, who is capable of driving the asset who is concurrently logged into the MiX Rovi/ELD.
- Co-Driver ID (username)
- Carrier Name
Home Terminal (Address) - Principle place of business (Address)
- Operating zone (1, 2 or 3)
- Cycle (7 or 14)
- Total Hours (in work shift)
- Total Hours (in cycle)
- Remaining Hours (in cycle)
- Off-Duty time deferral - status and time deferred (0: none, 1: Day 1, 2: Day 2 - Time deferred)
- Power Unit Number (ID or License No & Jurisdiction)
- VIN (Power Unit)
- Total Vehicle Distance (start = end of the day) - will be rounded to show a whole number.
- Distance Today - will be rounded to show a whole number.
- Cur. Total Distance - will be rounded to show a whole number.
- Cur. Total Engine hours
- Trailer Number (ID or License No & Jurisdiction)
- Data Diagnostic Status (Status & Diagnostic Code) - View data diagnostics and ELD malfunctions
- Unidentified Driving Records (0: none, 1: active)
- ELD Malfunction Status (Status & Malfunction Code) - View data diagnostics and ELD malfunctions
- ELD Identifier - alphanumeric registration ID of the ELD device in the last vehicle that the driver was driving.
- ELD Provider - alphanumeric company name of the ELD provider disclosed during the ELD certification process.
- ELD Certification ID - alphanumeric identifier assigned to the ELD that was certified during the ELD certification process.
- ELD Authentication value - An alphanumeric value that is unique to an ELD and verifies the authenticity of the given ELD and used in recoding of driver's RODS during inspections.
Grid columns
Shows changes in driver's duty status, intermediate logs and special driving conditions (personal use and yard moves)
- Date & Time - e.g. Driving/Send CA RI report to driver's email address/roadside inspection, etc.
- Event Type/status -
- Geo-Location - the location where the status change was made - if a driver changed a position manually on the MiX Rovi, this will be indicated by an (M) - for manual entry.
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Distance last val. coord.
- CMW - name of asset
- Distance (Accum.)
- Hours (Elapsed)
- Distance Total - The accumulated distance field will now also show the same distance travelled value as displayed on the Log Viewer - will be rounded to show a whole number.
- Record Status
- Record Origin
- Seq. ID
Shows driver Login / Logout, Certification of RODS, Data Diagnostics and Malfunctions
- Date & Time
- Event Type/status - e.g. driver log in / diagnostics event start
- Additional Info - e.g. Tractor ID and Tractor VIN - Note that according to ELD legislation, a VIN number that has been entered manually will be indicated by the prefix '-'.
- Distance (Total)
- Hours (Total)
- Seq. ID
Shows Engine Power Up and Shut Down
- Date & Time
- Event Type/status - e.g. engine power up.
- Geo-Location - the location where the status change was made - if a driver changed a position manually on the MiX Rovi, this will be indicated by an (M) - for manual entry.
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Distance last val. coord.
- Distance (Total)
- Hours (Total)
- Seq. ID
At the bottom of this report, a provision is made for signatures.
Assumed data
*If the HOS calculations are set to "The last communication date and time form the asset" in database administration a blue line on the log graph will indicate assumed data.
An assumed data entry will be shown in the event table below the graph which will allow you to distinguish between assumed vs non-assumed state duration(s).
Where there is assumed data in the viewable period, two additional entries can be viewed in the table below the graph:
- Last Comms (from asset)
See below for an example:
An example of where Time Entry was enabled and chosen: