As part of a continuous effort to streamline and enhance our data integration process, certain endpoints have been deprecated and updated as part of Release 24.10. The actual endpoints were however not removed from the API and will thus not affect any templates that are currently in use and will not cause the templates to stop working.
We recommend waiting for the 24.11 version before making any changes, when we will host 2 sessions with all Power BI users to facilitate the small changes to current templates and simultaneously use the latest version of the API.
Changes to the Power BI Template
1. Endpoints Removed:
- Aggregates-EventsByPeople
- Aggregates -TripsByPeople
2. Endpoints Updated:
- The driver information that was previously accessible through the "ByPeople" endpoints have now been integrated into the "byAssets" endpoints.
- The updated endpoints are:
- Aggregates -EventsByAssets
- Aggregates -TripsByAssets
Action Required
Since we did not remove the endpoints from the API and only from the Power BI template, no previously created visuals using the "byPeople" endpoints will be affected and therefore no action is required.
Visual before update
Visual after update
Updated Template Available:
If you download the latest template from Fleet Manager, all changes have been applied to the pre-populated visuals and the new template will reflect the leaner set of exposed endpoints.