When you cannot immediately provide a driver with a new tag in case the tag malfunctioned or a driver forgot or lost the tag, you may want to disarm the asset remotely.
This feature will allow you to disarm the mobile device remotely, initiate a trip and select the driver that should be associated to the trip that is started without the driver plug.
Please note that this is only available on the MiX 4000 and MiX 6000 LTE devices.
- Click Monitor.
- Under Tracking, click Live tracking.
- Make sure the Assets tab is selected.
- Check the box next to the relevant asset.
- Click the actions arrow at the end of the row.
- Click Commands to mobile device.
- Check the button next to Disarm.
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to Select driver to select a driver from the list.
- Check the box next to the required driver name. You can only select one driver.
- Click Select.
- If the mobile device has multiple transport methods available, you can select your required method from the dropdown list, e.g. GPRS or Sat Comms.
- Click Send.
Note that this action will only take effect if the asset connects to the server within 15 minutes of the request.
You can also set up a stream in the Info Hub to track commands to the mobile device.