Good driving style has a direct positive impact on fuel efficiency. Use the driver performance chart to see the correlation patterns between the scores your drivers have compared to their fuel usage.
This chart will assist driver managers and supervisors to further demonstrate to drivers that good driving style leads to more efficient fuel usage and cost savings. The better a driver's score becomes the better the fuel efficiency will be on the associated assets driven, not to mention the indirect cost savings which will also be achieved on general asset maintenance including tyres.
You van view your driver's scores and driving behavior in the charts on the Driver performance dashboard. By choosing to display the measured fuel consumption or the measured fuel used, you can view the how fuel efficiency is influenced by good driver behavior.
On the Average driver score chart click the settings icon, and choose the fuel option relevant to you:
What is measured fuel? - This is the fuel volume used as received from the vehicle's CANBUS and will be either displayed in liters or gallons.
What is measured fuel consumption? - This is the calculation to display the fuel used as received from the CANBUS of the vehicle per distance i.e. km/l or mpg or also displayed as l/100km or gallons/100miles.
This is displayed as a blue line on the chart and listed on the secondary axis of the chart, ie. on the right side of the chart.
- Click on a bar indicating a time period (e.g. months as below) to open view the scoring per sites. Click on a site bar to view the scores per asset and for each driving behavior, e.g. over speeding, over revving, etc.