How does the system process failed video downloads and offline assets.
The service takes 2 minutes to check if the event video is available on the Streamax server and downloads it.
If the download fails, the video task is put on a delayed queue with a repeating, escalating timeout. This occurs in:
- 2700 seconds (45 minutes)
- 8100 seconds (135 minutes/ 2.25 hours)
- 21600 timeouts (6 hours)
Hereafter the requests will repeat from 2700 seconds for 7 days.
At any of these timeouts there are 4 possible outcomes:
- The video has downloaded (Downloaded or SnapshotDownloaded)
- The task has failed permanently and cannot be retried (TooManyProcessAttempts, Failed)
- The video has not downloaded yet (possibly because device is offline - WaitingForDownload)
- The video failed to download, but can be retried, i.e. create a new video request for Streamax (ToRequest/Pending)
After 7 days of retries, the task fails permanently. Note however that the 7 days is configurable per environment.
Please note that retries are time-based and has to coincide with the asset being online as well as the requested footage being available on the SD card. If the asset is not online at the time of the retry, it will then requeue.
This is applicable to all Streamax hardware types regardless of whether its a standalone installation or connected to an onboard computer as a peripheral.