JIRA Key | Zendesk Ticket IDs | Release Note Info | Affected Region |
SR-16873 | 550187 | The French translation for the month of May has now been corrected on the Monthly Trip reports. |
United Kingdom
SR-16605 | 538416 |
Distances are now summed up correctly and will reflect in the Electric Fleet module. |
United Kingdom
SR-16368 | 525650 | Assets and drivers will now display as per the set filters on the Insight Dashboards. Amendments were made to event filtering in the popup to submit filtered IDs to the Backend API. |
United Kingdom
SR-15982 | 515231 | Improvements were made to prevent missing trips, events, or position information even when devices are offline for a longer period. |
SR-16851 | 547546 |
Values on the Distance (km/mi) and trip insights - fleet utilization chart will now display correctly. |
North America
SR-16849 | 548466 | Dashboards: KPI charts will now display the correct month of the date selection. |
North America
SR-16811 | 547618 | Measurement settings (miles or kilometers) are correctly applied for the Dashboard Fleet Utilization charts. |
North America
SR-16781 |
540501, 553688 |
The necessary changes were implemented to the relevant Power BI template to deal with issues related to different month/day/year formats per geographical region. This will resolve the connection error that was experienced using personal access tokens. |
North America
SR-16770 | 538182 | Video thumbnails will now show correctly in the video gallery. Amendments were made to add condition to handle the state of 'ClipStatus.Unfetched,' ensuring that it now displays a message indicating the need to wait for the content to load. |
North America
SR-16719 | 541332 | Updated MiX Vision AI functionality to filter out invalid GPS jumps when accumulating the distance / odometer values. |
North America
SR-16515 |
535907, 538509 |
Dashboards: Ensuring the Fleet Utilization "Averages" are calculated as follows: Avg Km/asset/day: total distance / (days in period * total assets) Avg trips/asset/day: total trip count/ (days in period * total assets) Avg Km/trip by asset: total distance / total trip count |
North America
SR-16313 | 525847 | A correction was made and data cleanup will be run after the production release for the Asset Events Configuration Report and Asset Configuration Report to show the highlighted data as expected for all vehicles in the database. |
Middle East
SR-16089 |
518753, 520902 |
Special cases where the Legacy Driver ID was available, but not the 64bit Driver ID are now addressed to ensure no events with “Unknown Driver” will appear on the Tiered Overspeeding events. |
Middle East
SR-16804 | 547208 | "SAIC" has been added as a new Make on the Assets details page. |
SR-16787 | 546120 |
"MZKT" has been added as a new Make on the Assets details page. |
SR-16735 | 534958 | Users will now be prevented from opening up the video player until videos are done loading. This will prevent the Video Gallery from duplicating videos when filtered on events. |
SR-16678 | 532592 | An update to driver performance dashboard charts to decimal places will ensure total driver performance data will display to add up to 100%. |
SR-16300 | 525934 | Correction made to reflect the actual configurated asset so that trips are displaying the correct distance. |
SR-16299 | 525939 | Improvements have been made for Stellantis OEM trip date to ensure the trips are displayed correctly, even if the sub-trip has an end timestamp after the trip end time. |
SR-15846 | 506278 | The MiX 2000 device Analog Input events will now always have positions attached and will display with a street address on the Detailed Event report. |
SR-16782 | 545570 | To ensure trips are not bundled into one trip for MiX Vision AI standalone devices, amendments were made to mitigate the problem of the TripBuilder service receiving the positions batches out of order when a Wi-Fi device gets back into coverage and uploads all its positions. |
Australasia (AsiaPac)
SR-16900 | 552039 | The necessary changes were implemented to the relevant Power BI template to deal with issues related to different month/day/year formats per geographical region. This will resolve the connection error that was experienced using personal access tokens. |
SR-16819 | Changing the map provider between Here and Google will now be recorded for auditing purposes. |
Africa, Australasia (AsiaPac),
Brazil, Europe,
Middle East,
North America,
United Kingdom
SR-16766 | 544587 |
MiX 2000 driver ID assignment from various sources was improved to ensure reports pull the correct drivers for Road Speeding Overspeeding at certain instances. |
SR-16195 | 522269 | Improvements were made to reduce the instances of failed trips due to missing trip start. |
Africa, Brazil